Depending on  your needs, either to  simply  pause and relax or to resolve yourself of some kind of painful issue in your body, or both, in a session with me, you will experience a combination of massage combined with NeuroMuscular Reprogramming.   Similar to psychological patterns that we adopt for survival purposes and then can hold onto long past the point of being beneficial, our neuromuscular patterns can also do this.  After calming your nervous system, we identify and  untangle neuromuscular pathways, which have been diligently  trapped in ‘deconstructive loops’ with neighboring muscles returning relief the body has been craving.  Many problems associated with pain, discomfort and weakness in the body are taken care of in this manner.  Post injury issues, chronic muscle pain, limited range of motion, exhaustion, that feeling that something ‘just feels off’, carpal tunnel, back pain, ‘sciatica,’ frozen shoulder, confused joint function are only some of the conditions that can be relieved. This method brings alignment to joints, better sequencing to muscle coordination and more efficient movement.  This can result in a new awakening to the body and undo layers of compensation patterns developed over the years. Reprogramming muscles that have been previously ‘unavailable’ in specific movements is a subtle and profound relief. It is possible that some people, contemplating surgery, could simply need some reorganization of the neuromuscular patterning and find liberation. This work complements Pilates and Physical Therapy beautifully, as well as any physical activity or rehabilitation. If there is a muscular function found ‘unavailable’ or difficult to access through physical exercise or movement, NMR can help to weave it back in to the patterning and expedite physical training.

Massage offers many important functions important to vitality and health. Giving yourself quiet time to simply relax, listen, feel nurtured is calming to your nervous system. A calm nervous system is necessary for healing and functioning at your optimum level. It is not just fluff; it is beneficial for rejuvenating and stabilizing your energy and well being. After and during an NMR session, integrating massage into the session helps the muscles to relax and let go even further. I am also happy to simply give you a pure relaxing, therapeutic massage, if that is what you prefer and not blend in the NMR.